TILLUME Electrician Shop

An online store that provides premium quality and great value for money


One-stop shopping smart LED light on our electrician shop

On TILLUME, you can easily find 24V LED light for wires control system like
They are 24V safety voltage. All of them can adapt with your KNX, DALI, and DMX dimmer. And another PWM dimmer. All of our LED lights offer 10 years warranty at an industry-leading level. 
There are only a few kinds types of LED light options on the market, that limit you to give full play to your imagination when upgrading your home or space. 
In addition to the products listed above, we are also very happy to develop more types of lighting for the smart lighting control system, Let people have more choices. If you have a good idea, you can contact us, and we will also reward you with fantastic and excellent ideas. Join us and let's make life better together.


Variety of accessories are offered at TILLUME electrician shop

For more convenience to you. TILLUME has carefully prepared other accessories for your installation or renovation.


    It will also be your KNX and DALI electrical shop

    We are committed to home automation, a good scene preset can not only have lights, but other equipment is also very important. Therefore, our team is also working hard to develop other products, so that users can better realize home automation

      • Smart Touch Panel
      • Button Panel
      • KNX/DALI gateway
      • KNX/DALI Dimmer


    Besides premium quality, and affordable price, TILLUME electrical shop is a learning center.

    Our mission is to enable people to better embrace the beautification of life brought about by technology.

    Therefore, we will regularly update relevant knowledge articles and some smart living project implementation experience. Whether it involves professional knowledge of product selection or the construction of intelligent scenarios. You can find related articles here.