Shopping at TILLUME Online Store is easy. Simply follow the steps below.

1st Step

Add some item(s) into your CART.

Select the items, color, and quantity we want to buy. We offered different quantities of LOTS or PACK. Please attention.

And then 

Click on "ADD TO CART ".

2nd Step

Check out when item selection is completed.

Click the VIEW CART button to review the item(s) selected and make some modifications if necessary;

And then

Click on “CHECK OUT” if you are ready to place the order. Otherwise, click CONTINUE SHOPPING.

3rd Step

Log in your TILLUME account.

Choose Sign In if you already have an account on our site; If you don't please write down your Shipping address and other information. 

If you have our discount code, please also enter it.

And then


4th Step

Choose Shipping Method

And then

Click on “USE Paypal” we will go to payal to finish payment

if you want to use other payment, please go to our Alibaba Store to place order or contact sales, they will help you.